Garena Free Fire New Patch and New Fun

Due to another exciting patch, Garena Free Fire PC is now donning an additional name. Like almost all Garena Free Fire updates, this one is sure to excite any player. Of course there were some bug fixing and weapon rebalancing but there is…

Saiyans, Energy Balls, and Epic Fights at Dragon Ball Legends

Dragon Ball Legends by Bandai Namco is mobile fighting role playing game. The game requires that you gather fighters and use them to duke it out with other real players. The game is exciting and riveting altogether. It is also a great mobi…

Hold Your Ground in Vikings: War of Clans

From the creators of mobile hit Raid: Shadow Legends is a predecessor that has long had a foothold in the realm of strategy massively multiplayer online role playing games. Vikings: War of Clans is fairly similar to classic games like Comm…

Best Battle Arena at Vainglory

In the past few months, there were a number of news about Vainglory which were both worrying and reassuring. Nevertheless, the game endured all the obstacles that it faced and still managed to come out intact. Vainglory is an unbroken game…